Dragon Ball the Movie : A look at the Leaked Trailers !

Hello Humanoids . As i promised in my previous Dragon Ball The Movie Trailer Screen shot post , that i will keep you up to date with this upcoming movie and surprisingly for Dragon Ball fan boys , the trailer got leaked on DbThe movie .com

Here is the " Officially " Leaked  trailer :

After watching this trailer , my thoughts became reality . This movie is the worst movie based on anime , THIS MOVIE Hasn't DONE ANYTHING TO BE LIKE THE CARTOON !

Goku looks so bad , the blazing fire from Picollo looks like an air wave ,the dragon ball doesn't have the traditional stars on it ,  ,  the characters made have horrible casting - None of the characters look similar , their clothes ,special effects, their way of expression look like just another Kung fu movie :-(

Here are selected 6 user comments on the video :

OMG THIS FREAKING ROCKS SOOOOO HARD. THE EFFECTS LOOK BEATUFIFUL! and all the eye-popping dragonball scenery looks to be there too! wow, i was just looking at the first audioless trailer and THIS comes!

If the teaser is how the movie will be, then this movie does NOT seems like the original DragonBall… I hope that it brings better things but the teaser disappointed me a lot
 Im not going to complain…but eh. Looks pretty sweet, but Im not blown away. I think the music and dialoge was kinda meh but other than that this movie looks badass. I have a feeling that the haters will now hate this movie even more. But thanks for posting Adam, Im suprised it hasnt hit SHH yet.

i dont know about yall but as a fan of the series im a lil disapointed at the trailer. i hope the movie is better. this doesnt look bad though. but to be honest when it didnt have sound it looked better. but i guess well see right. one thing that was exciting to see was the fireballs it looks like it gonna be true to the series fighting wise. i just expected this to be better since they minused krillin roshi pervertedness and a storyline worth listening to.

anyway time for some actual pulling apart of the trailer…
when we first see roshi he has a beard, im thinking this is a flashback or where the movie will start. And that is where we see the other dragon temple members.
Goku recieveing his gi, I might be wrong as I havnt seen the episode in a while but didnt roshi give them there gi’s in a suitcase as well just before the martial arts tournament?
then at 23 seconds we see goku and chi chi standing next to each other beofre goku looks at the eclipse. I think this seen is gohans funeral.
at 37 we see a fight with scenerary that looks like it was taken straight out of the anime, looks fantastic, the person in the air is bald, It is possible that it is piccolo.
Then we go to bulma looking threw a hole in the wall, followed soon by yamcha with a drill, most likely related. It would seem that they are trying to break into somewhere probaly to get a dragonball.
Also in the second trailer we see bulma coming through some doors with guns out. the room looks futeristic, possibly piccolos hidout?
Then we see some energy bolts from roshi, piccolo and explosions, a montage of some of the action.
So I think from this trailer we get quiet a bit of whats going to happen in the movie.

People, seriously, I really cannot understand how you still like this movie after seeing that mediocre teaser. I think you either self-conditionated into liking it or you actually despise it but you haven’t enough courage to admit it after all those months of avid bootlicking.
I’ve following the progress of this movie from the very beginning because I’ve always wanted a Dragonball movie. A nice one, actually. I’ve tried hard to see hope along the increasingly crappy advances. But THIS is not the thing I was waiting for. For those of you, with that nonsensical “realistic movie” argument, I have several things to say.
Dragonball’s core appeal comes from its weirdness. Dragonball is not only about people flying and shooting energy and fighting lightning-fast, but the overall setting, unique characters and odd things happening all the time.
I can show you how wrong you are. Most of the Dragonball features you called “silly” or “unsuitable for a live-action film” are already on American cinema. Actually, the majority of the films I’m about to reference are very respectable productions:
- Flying human beings: The Matrix Trilogy
- Unrealistic fights (including an aerial fight): The Matrix Trilogy
- People with odd hair color/haircuts: The Fifth Element, A Clockwork Orange, countless others
- Tailed human: Nightcrawler from X2
- Giant monkey: Peter Jackson’s King Kong
- Talking animals: Men in Black films, Narnia films, The Golden Compass
- Aliens come to Earth in human-sized pods: Spielberg’s War of the Worlds
- Giant manned robots: Spielberg’s War of the Worlds
- Anthropomorphic manned robots: Aliens, Iron Man
- Dinosaurs in modern times: Jurassic Park films
- People riding dinosaurs: Star Wars films
- Flying land vehicles: Star Wars films
- People shooting energy from his hands: any Sith
- Anthropomorphic dogs: Chewbacca!
- Old green man with pointy ears: Yoda!
- Green man with antennae: Greedo
- Green man: Abe Sapiens from Hellboy
As you can see, those movies, particularly the Star Wars franchise, are very successful. But Dragonball, with all its rich mythology of wonderful beings and events, has been straight raped in front of you, loyal fans, to favor this awful piece of bad filmmaking and poor artistic licence. If you ask me :| , Wong just has not enough  to manage the scope of what Dragonball really is. He had the opportunity to induce new, fascinating characters to American cinema, unlike Yoda (it’s a puppet, after all): three eyed men, talking cats, an entire fantasy army with badass weaponry… God, if George Lucas wants a fat, tailed bastard on his movies, he just do it and people proceed to love the result…
…But suddenly, Dragonball must be forcefully adapted into Karate Kid but with B-movie-like special effects.
You can make the difference. You can get a better Dragonball, because the box office has the power of telling the industry how to do things properly. It happened with Ang Lee’s Hulk, it happened with Superman Returns.
Think about it.

I didn't like the trailer at all , but this trailer has mixed reactions like always , The only thing i like about the video is Picollo is Green !

What do you say about the trailer ?

Till next post ,

Take Care ,