Want your site to be indexed the way you want ? Add Meta Tags !

Hello Humanoids . First of all apology for not writing any post for past 6 or 7 days , my P.C, had some problems , but now its back and yeah I am back too !

By the way , I am writing this post for blogger/blogspot users . The Pro users must be knowing this , but more than 80 or maybe 90 % ( as far as i know ) of the blogger users don't have meta tags in their blogs . I have seen tons of post where people want the description and the title on Google Search exactly as they have it on their site , but they don't get it . Reason is simple - You don't have meta tags on your blog !

You must be wondering how to add meta tags in Blogger , its plain simple .

Here are some technical aspects of Meta Tags and keywords from Our Blogger Templates :
While there are lots of factors involved in building quality blogs that can draw huge traffic in, having simple things right in the beginning is as important. One of this simple thing is getting your blog indexed properly with the right description & keywords to optimize search engine rankings (known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO).

To get information, search engines use automated software agents called spiders, crawlers, robots, or bots to collect the a few words from a site or blog (typically the URLs, blog name, and blog description, and maybe some words in the early part of sentences or paragraphs) that will later be used as keywords to index the blog.

Because you cannot be certain which words are taken as keywords pertaining to your blog, it's most likely that your blog won't be indexed properly in search engines - in the worst case, your highly relevant keywords might not even be used to index your blog. When this happen, searches on keywords relevant to your blog may have your blog buried at the far end of the list of thousands and millions of pages. What a waste!

To have a control of what is read by crawlers on your blog to be indexed, you have to build what is called a META tag - basically a bunch of words that makes up the most relevant description and keywords of your blog. If the META tag exist, this is what the crawlers will read and index and get displayed on any searches related to your keywords.

So how do you make Meta tags and Meta Keywords ?

This website makes  meta tags a piece of cake !

So how do i add the code  ? 

Firstly , you should know if your template is a html template or an xhtml template , if you are using the traditional blogger template then you have the html template , but if you downloaded it from a site recently then you have a xhtml template . Remember.

Once you are sure about it  ,

Add the Codes you receive accordingly   to your template , by reaching Edit HTML from your Blogger Template ( Layout ) .

Add the code above the  <"/head> tag ( without the inverted commas of course ) and presto !
You are done !

After few hours or maybe few minutes start Googling your website and see the results for yourself !

Till next post ,

Take Care ,