The Collection of the Official Windows 7 Wallpapers !

Hello Humanoids . Yes , its been long since i collected some wallpapers and added a download buttons in here ! But now , actually i did collect some wallpapers , they are the Official Windows 7 wallpapers ( 18 in quantity) and it includes the PDC 08 Windows 7 Wallpaper .

The size of the Wallpaper is - 1024 X 640 , i added all the wallpapers of this size , since most of us have resolutions issues , but these wallpapers are available in all sizes ( from 1024 X 640 to 1920 X 640 ) , so people interested can comment below and i will send him/her the wallpaper he/she needs in every resolution possible !

If you are worried that you might download a virus from this download link then let me tell you  that these have been scanned with AVG Pro  and yes the website where this file is hosted rescans it every time you download , so feel safe !

Download the wallpapers from here !

Don't forget to check out my other wallpaper collection here and here and remember to post in as comment if you want a High Resolution wallpaper ( particular wallpaper ) !

Stay tuned for more ,

Take Care,