Hello Humanoids. This is the last time i am writing a blog post ( most probably) ,and why is that so ? Because i am quitting internet and yes this most probably is the last post on A Blog with a DiffeRence.This is the toughest decision of my life, i have never felt so bad in my life.
I got my P.C. in 2001, before computers i was heavily into the SNES and Genesis kinda gaming, nearly finished all my games. We shifted to a place which didn't have internet at that time and yeah at that time Dial -up was the only way to surf the net. So my dad bought a Dial up and i started discovering internet in 2002 . After 2 months, i realized that i couldn't understand anything. Then i never ever touched my modem for more than 3 years. In 2006 i discovered Blogs, i had no idea of what a blog is but yes i did understand that i can get a near perfect website for myself and that too for free ! I created a blog called - Rahul Rules 2006 on Blogger dot com and soon after stopped posting cause i had no readers and i had no clue of how big this world of internet is.
The year was 2006 and we were shifted to a new city or frankly a rural area, surprisingly the moment i got shifted to a rural area i cam face to face with broadband and since then i am spoilt.I began multi-player gaming the moment i got my broad band connection and then few weeks later i realized tha internet isn't just about helping gamers. I became an internet surfer which made me come across various giant websites like Google, Yahoo, WWE dot com ( yeah i was that dumb to go to wwe dot com : ) In the year 2006, Indian T.V. channels were busy showing cartoons or anime like Bey Blade and Pokemon ( I was a huge anime freak, still remember watching DBZ in late 90s ).Then suddenly i thought of playing some games, i Googled Pokemon online games and then i came across the website which changed my life. It was called Pokemoncrater dot com, PokemonCrater made me who i am on Internet today to be honest. Pokemoncrater was one of the fastest growing websites of all time and i was one of those players who was dedicated to be in the list of Top 100 which was later expanded by the site admin - Aaron. I remember tales of people hacking each other's account to get as many pokemons as possible, was so much fun ! But this wasn't the reason i got to be an internet fan. A link on the home page of PokemonCrater called - Chatroom .
Due to my curiosity i clicked it and BAM ! I went into the deep, dark and weird world called IRC. IRC was the weirdest place i have ever seen on virtual world. I saw people typing letters as fast as they can, all of them were trying to make themselves look smart in the virtual world, it was chaos for me. Then i came across channels, people were trading pokemons, they were also playing trivia based on pokemons and what not. The things that surprised me the most were what we generally refer to them as - Bots.
I had no idea of who a bot is and how it was made and how it functions, i was always in wonder why the bot doesn't reply to my private messages, well never that.
I became an active user of Pokemon Crater slowly, had tons of Pokemons to look after , spend 2 hours a day to get the pokemon i wanted to train. Also, my presence at IRC Chatroon increased day by day, i encountered various people from different relegions, countries and most importantly thoughts. Some came to the chatrooms for discussions on pokemons while others came there to make new friends. I was busy doing the both .
The first time I encountered channels was in late 2006, i remember a user called bobo who was a great pokemon trainer invited me to be his trading partner and i remember he made me an OP for doing great job. Now in 2007, I got excessive invites from various channels due to my increasing popularity as user called " wwe " , hell yeah.
Tons of people have asked me the secret of my username - weemundo. I used to be famous on IRC by the name of wwe which i later changed to "wee" due to my immense hatred towards WWE and i was a big fan of a cartoon character called Raymundo , people loved called me wee, so i just added "mundo" to it to give it a japanese feeling and lucily people loved it !
Then i met users like Flaze and Storm, Storm taught me various things about IRC and something called mIRC. While, Flaze taught me how to make a channel successfully and thankfully i did learn and that too quickly. I then had my own channel called " #wii_ps3" and soon after stopped coming to PokemonCrater, instead i just went to the chatroom and did all i can to get readers to my blog .
I got involved in mIRC scripts, i became a script designer thanks to Storm and a fellow Indian g33k d1g1t or Sandeep Kamath. I had my own trivia bot which attracted more visitors than anybody in the channel list ( except channel called #XC owned by Benny from Aus and Staff Channels ). I was on top of the world on the server.
This was the time which spoiled my life. I was a topper at school till 8th grader, always stood first in the class scoring above 90 % each time. But in 9th grade i degraded and in 2007 ( we shifted to Bhopal, Capital of Central India ) ( 10th or X grade ) i completely lost my touch with studies, i spend some 6-8 hours a day on IRC, i didn't realise that : I became an internet addict. The year 2007 was the worst year in my life, i wasted the whole year on IRC,no studies, no outdoor activities. I was now a part of internet addicts .
I struggled at school and due to my bad performance i was scolded back at home, my life was miserable. Then something extremely shocking happened, PokemonCrater was about to be shut down according to the Admin because he was about to go to college. This shocked all the users and when it did happen I lost most of my visitors ( also i would like to add the staff of server irc dot axpi2 dot net had some trouble and pokemoncrater chan is now on IRC dot lucidchat dot net, I still remember you all Axpi2 users, you always will be special to me ! ). Then in January 2008 i was highly pressurized by my peers to do well in studies and after shutting down of PokemonCrater i had nothing else to do . I then prepared for my National Level Exam, I completed my preparation in a months time and results were satisfactory enough .
I came to Internet back in April 2008, this time i went to two amazing and life changing placed called " Chip India Forums " and BlogCatalog Forums . These are two of the most amazing placed you'll ever see on the internet .I used to spend lot of time on Blogging on Rahul Rules 2008 and helping people at Chip India and of course getting help . I learned basics of blogging at BlogCatalog where i met amazing bloggers.
I slowly but steadily grew at my knowledge of Internet and it technology . I later on started discovering stumble upon Rocket dock icon developer,Digg, Tech Crunch , Mashable , Read Write Web, Softpedia and lots more. I know had an idea of how technology is shaping up and through Chip India i came to know various indian tech geniuses who helped me tremendously.
I started A Blog with a DiffeRence in April and it was a quick hit, i received Page Rank 3 in 1.5 months and visitors were pouring in. The feeling of appreciation gave me the spirit to move ahead . At one time i had 11 k visitors a day, yeah that's ahuge number.But most importantly i took benefits from great bloggers like Pro Blogger, Chris Brogan and Andy Beard, they proved to be a source of immense knowledge. I owe them a lot .Thanks to all your support and view my blog was in the list of Top Blogger who are aged 21 or less - Thanks !
A week back everything was in place I felt like a pro internet user after joining Twitter and keeping in touch with great start ups, but then i had my exams and i yet again disappointed my parents. I felt frustrated at myself, since all my concentration was on Internet .But then this thought went away
I felt as if i am being too casual about my future.Three days back again i performed badly, now i am tired of being under estimated. I have to show everyone that i am not just the normal boy you'll see roaming around. I have shown by potential in the past. I have performed great at Co curricular activities, sports and academics in the past, why can't i do it Now ? This question has been the concluding factor in my decision to quit Internet.
Internet is like my second life, i have given time to others on internet more than my relatives and friends, its making me isolated these days. I am not saying being on Internet is bad, i am just saying that excess of everything is bad, you should just concentrate on one thing and aim high.
I'll be out of this world of Internet to start a new life with a broader aim on 1st January 2009. I have set high aims and will strive for it .
You all have been very kind, the kind of appreciation emails, tweets and IM messages you all have sent me will always be with me. I have tried to be helpful in every way possible, i hope i haven't disapointed ya'll .
This most probably is the last post on this blog, but i'll come on Twitter so you can catch me up there .
So here were go this is my Goodbye to Internet, i will be back here when i grow older.
If you think I or my Blog is worth remembering, please add this icon to your blog :

<a href="http://www.ablogwithadifference.com" target="_blank"><
img src="http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa242/wwe-is-nightmare/rahul_mathur_anime_2-1.jpg" border="0"
^ Just remember to select the whole code above as it is not purely visible.
I basically did this because when i come back in the future,people would still remember a guy called " weemundo ".
I will be disconnecting my internet connections as early as possible, but yes i won't be there sitting on the computer surfing anything on the internet, maybe I can stay in touch with you all via my mobile device.But i will be back someday for sure, and then don't forget somebody called weemundo ;)
So for the last time,
Take Care and Happy New Year,
Love you always !
I got my P.C. in 2001, before computers i was heavily into the SNES and Genesis kinda gaming, nearly finished all my games. We shifted to a place which didn't have internet at that time and yeah at that time Dial -up was the only way to surf the net. So my dad bought a Dial up and i started discovering internet in 2002 . After 2 months, i realized that i couldn't understand anything. Then i never ever touched my modem for more than 3 years. In 2006 i discovered Blogs, i had no idea of what a blog is but yes i did understand that i can get a near perfect website for myself and that too for free ! I created a blog called - Rahul Rules 2006 on Blogger dot com and soon after stopped posting cause i had no readers and i had no clue of how big this world of internet is.
The year was 2006 and we were shifted to a new city or frankly a rural area, surprisingly the moment i got shifted to a rural area i cam face to face with broadband and since then i am spoilt.I began multi-player gaming the moment i got my broad band connection and then few weeks later i realized tha internet isn't just about helping gamers. I became an internet surfer which made me come across various giant websites like Google, Yahoo, WWE dot com ( yeah i was that dumb to go to wwe dot com : ) In the year 2006, Indian T.V. channels were busy showing cartoons or anime like Bey Blade and Pokemon ( I was a huge anime freak, still remember watching DBZ in late 90s ).Then suddenly i thought of playing some games, i Googled Pokemon online games and then i came across the website which changed my life. It was called Pokemoncrater dot com, PokemonCrater made me who i am on Internet today to be honest. Pokemoncrater was one of the fastest growing websites of all time and i was one of those players who was dedicated to be in the list of Top 100 which was later expanded by the site admin - Aaron. I remember tales of people hacking each other's account to get as many pokemons as possible, was so much fun ! But this wasn't the reason i got to be an internet fan. A link on the home page of PokemonCrater called - Chatroom .
Due to my curiosity i clicked it and BAM ! I went into the deep, dark and weird world called IRC. IRC was the weirdest place i have ever seen on virtual world. I saw people typing letters as fast as they can, all of them were trying to make themselves look smart in the virtual world, it was chaos for me. Then i came across channels, people were trading pokemons, they were also playing trivia based on pokemons and what not. The things that surprised me the most were what we generally refer to them as - Bots.
I had no idea of who a bot is and how it was made and how it functions, i was always in wonder why the bot doesn't reply to my private messages, well never that.
I became an active user of Pokemon Crater slowly, had tons of Pokemons to look after , spend 2 hours a day to get the pokemon i wanted to train. Also, my presence at IRC Chatroon increased day by day, i encountered various people from different relegions, countries and most importantly thoughts. Some came to the chatrooms for discussions on pokemons while others came there to make new friends. I was busy doing the both .
The first time I encountered channels was in late 2006, i remember a user called bobo who was a great pokemon trainer invited me to be his trading partner and i remember he made me an OP for doing great job. Now in 2007, I got excessive invites from various channels due to my increasing popularity as user called " wwe " , hell yeah.
Tons of people have asked me the secret of my username - weemundo. I used to be famous on IRC by the name of wwe which i later changed to "wee" due to my immense hatred towards WWE and i was a big fan of a cartoon character called Raymundo , people loved called me wee, so i just added "mundo" to it to give it a japanese feeling and lucily people loved it !
Then i met users like Flaze and Storm, Storm taught me various things about IRC and something called mIRC. While, Flaze taught me how to make a channel successfully and thankfully i did learn and that too quickly. I then had my own channel called " #wii_ps3" and soon after stopped coming to PokemonCrater, instead i just went to the chatroom and did all i can to get readers to my blog .
I got involved in mIRC scripts, i became a script designer thanks to Storm and a fellow Indian g33k d1g1t or Sandeep Kamath. I had my own trivia bot which attracted more visitors than anybody in the channel list ( except channel called #XC owned by Benny from Aus and Staff Channels ). I was on top of the world on the server.
This was the time which spoiled my life. I was a topper at school till 8th grader, always stood first in the class scoring above 90 % each time. But in 9th grade i degraded and in 2007 ( we shifted to Bhopal, Capital of Central India ) ( 10th or X grade ) i completely lost my touch with studies, i spend some 6-8 hours a day on IRC, i didn't realise that : I became an internet addict. The year 2007 was the worst year in my life, i wasted the whole year on IRC,no studies, no outdoor activities. I was now a part of internet addicts .
I struggled at school and due to my bad performance i was scolded back at home, my life was miserable. Then something extremely shocking happened, PokemonCrater was about to be shut down according to the Admin because he was about to go to college. This shocked all the users and when it did happen I lost most of my visitors ( also i would like to add the staff of server irc dot axpi2 dot net had some trouble and pokemoncrater chan is now on IRC dot lucidchat dot net, I still remember you all Axpi2 users, you always will be special to me ! ). Then in January 2008 i was highly pressurized by my peers to do well in studies and after shutting down of PokemonCrater i had nothing else to do . I then prepared for my National Level Exam, I completed my preparation in a months time and results were satisfactory enough .
I came to Internet back in April 2008, this time i went to two amazing and life changing placed called " Chip India Forums " and BlogCatalog Forums . These are two of the most amazing placed you'll ever see on the internet .I used to spend lot of time on Blogging on Rahul Rules 2008 and helping people at Chip India and of course getting help . I learned basics of blogging at BlogCatalog where i met amazing bloggers.
I slowly but steadily grew at my knowledge of Internet and it technology . I later on started discovering stumble upon Rocket dock icon developer,Digg, Tech Crunch , Mashable , Read Write Web, Softpedia and lots more. I know had an idea of how technology is shaping up and through Chip India i came to know various indian tech geniuses who helped me tremendously.
I started A Blog with a DiffeRence in April and it was a quick hit, i received Page Rank 3 in 1.5 months and visitors were pouring in. The feeling of appreciation gave me the spirit to move ahead . At one time i had 11 k visitors a day, yeah that's ahuge number.But most importantly i took benefits from great bloggers like Pro Blogger, Chris Brogan and Andy Beard, they proved to be a source of immense knowledge. I owe them a lot .Thanks to all your support and view my blog was in the list of Top Blogger who are aged 21 or less - Thanks !
A week back everything was in place I felt like a pro internet user after joining Twitter and keeping in touch with great start ups, but then i had my exams and i yet again disappointed my parents. I felt frustrated at myself, since all my concentration was on Internet .But then this thought went away
I felt as if i am being too casual about my future.Three days back again i performed badly, now i am tired of being under estimated. I have to show everyone that i am not just the normal boy you'll see roaming around. I have shown by potential in the past. I have performed great at Co curricular activities, sports and academics in the past, why can't i do it Now ? This question has been the concluding factor in my decision to quit Internet.
Internet is like my second life, i have given time to others on internet more than my relatives and friends, its making me isolated these days. I am not saying being on Internet is bad, i am just saying that excess of everything is bad, you should just concentrate on one thing and aim high.
I'll be out of this world of Internet to start a new life with a broader aim on 1st January 2009. I have set high aims and will strive for it .
You all have been very kind, the kind of appreciation emails, tweets and IM messages you all have sent me will always be with me. I have tried to be helpful in every way possible, i hope i haven't disapointed ya'll .
This most probably is the last post on this blog, but i'll come on Twitter so you can catch me up there .
So here were go this is my Goodbye to Internet, i will be back here when i grow older.
If you think I or my Blog is worth remembering, please add this icon to your blog :

<a href="http://www.ablogwithadifference.com" target="_blank"><
img src="http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa242/wwe-is-nightmare/rahul_mathur_anime_2-1.jpg" border="0"
^ Just remember to select the whole code above as it is not purely visible.
I basically did this because when i come back in the future,people would still remember a guy called " weemundo ".
I will be disconnecting my internet connections as early as possible, but yes i won't be there sitting on the computer surfing anything on the internet, maybe I can stay in touch with you all via my mobile device.But i will be back someday for sure, and then don't forget somebody called weemundo ;)
So for the last time,
Take Care and Happy New Year,
Love you always !